Issue with marinadb with cpanel update

Issue with marinadb with cpanel update

  • Thursday, 5th November, 2020
  • 02:46am

please be aware that Cpanel has released an auto-update on 05/11/2020, which caused many issues with MariaDB connection via ui and took offline many sites using PHP version 7.3, to fix this issue please follow the tutorial


The resolution we currently have in place involves altering the column order to the expected positions for MariaDB.

Before proceeding with these changes, we encourage you to backup your database in the event a restore is required. To backup the MySQL database directory, the following command can be executed as root:

mysqldump mysql > /backup/mysql.sql

Once that's complete, we can proceed with altering that database column order. The following command performs the appropriate alterations for the database:


mysql -e "ALTER TABLE mysql.user MODIFY IF EXISTS password_last_changed timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NULL AFTER max_statement_time, MODIFY IF EXISTS password_lifetime smallint unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER password_last_changed, MODIFY IF EXISTS account_locked enum('N', 'Y') COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL after password_lifetime;"

Then apply the change by restarting the MariaDB service:



All servers with cloudlinux can ignore this 

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